The sweetest thing that could ever happen to a man is when lots of women are attracted to him to the point of raining his compliments. And then there is this all-around ‘manly’ binary opposite of a woman being attracted to a man, which is unattractiveness; how sad. Trying to attract a woman who is not interested in you could seem like a difficult task. After this post, you would see my magical tricks to become an attraction machine.
Just like trying to convince an uninterested girl to make  love with you, the strategies are simply the same. Find your best manipulation angle and use it to your own advantage. It works wonders and will still continue to be of great efficacy to whoever decides to apply the tactics.

a man who attracts women
Every Lady’s man


Imagine going on a walk with another dude down the alleyway and then comes a group of sexy women numbering ‘whatever’ towards your direction. Suddenly, one of them vocalizes, “hello handsome.” That one person happens to be Celia whom you’ve been adorably tailing. But the dude you’re strolling with happens to be the man being referred to, and he does not hear the compliment which forces you to make the response, thinking that the reference is to you.
At that same moment, another of the lovely women retort your response saying, “I don’t think Celia was referring to you, were you, Celia?” and Celia says, “Not at all.” How sad, I must say, once again.
Maybe you’ve been a victim of such scenario once in your lifetime or probably not getting that woman to love you. Well, the problem is not your looks, as you might think, the problem is simply the shameful fact that you do not know how to attract a woman who is not interested in you.
Truthfully, from the imaginative incident stated above, the unlucky guy is ignorant about what traits attract a woman. If he does, he’d be able to cease such an opportunity, knowing how to attract a woman instantly.


This briefcase is like a talisman containing the cheat and magical ways of how to attract a woman who is not interested in you.
It will further highlight what traits attract a woman as well as how to attract a woman instantly. By this, I mean that you do not even have to try and retry a thousand times before succeeding on how to draw a woman immediately, any woman; married or single.
I am deducing these confirmed magical ways of how to attract a woman who is not interested in you from various experiences, one being that of my one-time college friend, George Jnr.
Of all the experiences, that of George Jnr. Stands out as the most intriguing, owing to how incredible every line of the ‘love you’ drama played out.
Friend, don’t bother about the story, I don’t intend to dull you with it, due to how long it is. Hence, all I’m gon’ do is to present to the lucky you, a well-tailored and refurbished way of how to attract a woman instantly, that does not seem to be interested in you.

If there is anything George Jnr. claimed worked for him was his ability to understand what traits attract a woman.
The lady in question is Betty, and she proved unmanageable which till this day, fascinates my thinking of the whole drama.
Funny enough, George Jnr. Never read any online article to guide him on how to attract a woman instantly; the reason being that such guides were too unreal and so, George Jnr. I opted for a more natural approach.
I’d never share this with you if not for the fact that the same things he did works for others, including me. Check out the talismanic traits that attract a woman instantly;


This is time to forget what you’ve heard from expert motivational relationship coaches who are trying to make you feel good. No matter how unattractive you are; the moment a woman realizes you have money, you become attractive to her immediately.
Money creates a kind of sex appeal to women even if you aren’t attractive. Then perhaps you are attractive and good looking, you then become the best thing to them after sliced bread.
If you don’t have the money, then you could go ahead and develop other qualities that I have mentioned here. But if you have the money, then no need for the long stress. Let me show you how to attract a woman who is not interested in you with money.
  • Just struggle to become a good friend – don’t bother attracting her yet.
  • Learn her likes and dislikes
  • Create an impression that you are making all efforts to know her better
  • Get to know her better – she would definitely want to know more about you too
  • Tactically make her know you have the wealth – don’t rub it to her face, it will piss her off
  • Help her solve some financial problems – as proof that you have the money. She will become interested and attracted immediately
  • Do with her whatever you have wished for in the past.
Do you see how simple the cycle goes? But if you don’t have the money or aren’t looking to attract a woman with your money, then look below for other traits that attract a woman who is not interested in you.


Concerning what traits attracts a woman, personating that beseeching and daring confidence bosses how to attract a woman instantly. With truth, determination alone can be all you need to have that woman wholly drawn to you immediately.
Half the number of us guys that subscribed to George’s pattern ended up not doing so much in attracting our desired women. This is because confidence alone, which is what women love in a man, stole their fragile hearts so fast. One of them was Jade; he roughly needed to go further on how to attract a woman instantly.


This does not mean having any muscular or manly body. Besides, neither of the guys in my group have a superstar body shape. Three of the guys had a pot-bellied form that was supposed to increase the level of disinterest showered on them by the women they desired.
Moreover, how to attract a woman who is not interested in you does not in any request for gyms. If it did, Pat, Kendrick, and Dicky would be womanless in this life.
In essence, a woman is most interested in your look after buying her attention, in which the know-how is discussed below.


Assuming the official language of your country is Chinese, English or French, I’d love to believe that there is still an ethnic language common in your country. So, consider learning to flow by combining various languages in one sentence. Excellent communication skill counts as a party member of what traits attracts a woman.
Understanding this would help a long way in persuading the woman to thirst for how you talk. She might even be telling her friends stuffs like, “Gosh, I love how he plays with words while speaking.”


I have a sister, and I can attest to the notion that women generally love guys that are good in provoking them into laughter.
My sister and her friends confirm this to me, and they keep it as a secret among them. Well, it’s a misfortune to them now, as I have exposed it to you without charges; indeed, you are a lucky reader.
Not all guys are funny by nature or can compose funny lines during a conversation. But trust me, we all are born with an innate knowledge of comedy. What I mean is that you do not have to be a professional joker before amusing a woman. Women love jokers, so tell me what traits attract a woman other than this.


Unpredictability means nothing more than what you just read here. And yes, I just checked the dictionary, and trust me, ‘unpredictability’ is not an ambiguous word. As part of this section, understanding what traits attract a woman includes being unpredictable.
If you are a one-way individual, the tendency is high that the woman you desire, but that is not interested in you would deem you a rigid fellow.
I would have included ‘women’s hatred for rigidity’ but to deliver for you, a finely compressed lengthy, I had to bring it down here. Be flexible, unpredictable but do not compromise yourself.

The preceding section contained a lot, right? Indeed, it was necessary. After understanding what traits attracts a woman, it will now be easier for you to know how to draw a woman closer instantly.
Concerning the subject of this section on how to attract a woman who is not interested in you, it will be kinder to understand what you want from her. Is it true love? Or to bed her? Or, do you want her to be interested in you for the sake of ‘being interested’?
For instance, if the woman in question is a female colleague who is not interested in you, but you want to bed her, I’d suggest that you’ve don’t allowed her to uncover your intentions. If she eventually does, not only would she lose interest in you again, she’d damn hate.
Sit yourself down and be sure why you need her; because every woman would sooth (after winning her) to know why you attracted them to yourself.

attract a woamn who is not interested in you
A perfect attraction process


This is where confidence plays a role. Nothing is ever given the attention if it is not set forward. I mean that letting her know about your interest will pioneer the whole event. There are a few things you could do to notify her, like;
  • Eye contacts
  • Being around her, sit closer if possible
  • Offering to do certain things for her
  • Requesting her stuff
  • Ask her questions on things you think she’s good at
  • Talk often to her friends and also tell them she’s beautiful
If you do the sixth option above, she will so smile when her friends inform her of it. Imagine her in her room, envisioning how you said it. I did this, if you’re gutted enough to do it too, you’ll have her shivering to make you understand that she’s so interested in you now.

Whenever I recall what Lisa told me, I laugh so hard. In case you’re wondering who Lisa is, she’s a friend, and her real name is what you are reading here.
She reported some guy to me, stating that he entirely differs from the other guys she has ever met. I was like, “how on earth is that?” And she explained that this guy does not just seem like every other guy. Hmm, I did wonder who this mysterious guy is.
One day, Lisa asked that I join her in visiting the brooks, where the mysterious guy would also be going. When we arrived, she introduced me as a brother. We shook hands, and she got down to stare at the river while I conversed with the mysterious guy. During our chats, he opened up that he has wanted to have her find interest in him, and that he has gone this far to obtain it; being mysterious! Nature knows I held my laughter back. Well, however, he planned that it worked. He did win over Lisa by inventing some mysteriousness about him, like not being like other guys, being a core self-acclaimed introvert and all that.
I don’t know how well you can boot up yourself the same way the mysterious guy did. But if you can, I guarantee you a 99% chance of success. Ultimately, following the strange guy’s pattern of not being like other guys, including myself, shows how to attract a woman who is not interested in you.

This is the concluding phase on how to attract a woman instantly. What this means is that there should be a link allowing the feelings to flow from your side and that of the woman whom you are winning. Always make sure that there is a stream of communication between both of you.
The day communication seizes, that day is when you lose your charm. Communication doesn’t have to be direct; it could be being in a position to see her daily, or having something that brings both of you together.
It could also be a case of trying to attract a married woman in your workplace who isn’t even interested in you. Just anything that brings both of you together can enable you to attract a woman who isn’t interested in you.


There are still lots of other techniques you can apply to attract a woman who isn’t interested in you. I will be updating them accordingly, but you should know that it is all a game and you should see it as such.
Whoever wins the game controls the other person forever.
What tricks have worked for you? Let me hear it in the comment section.

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