How To Make A Guy Want You

Sometimes, it’s not always the guys that want girls, but also girls wish to guys too, but because as a girl you don’t have to take the lead by confronting him, you have to do that through signals or through these beautiful ways that will be listed below. “How To Make A Guy Want You”
In a relationship, one-sided love can not favour. Instead, it is suitable for both of you to love each other and want each other more, so for that reason, we brought you this article To guide you in how to make a guy wants you.
So if you are looking for a way to make the man that you love to love you back and demanding for you, these are what you should do so that your goal will be accomplished.

How to make a guy wants you

Let’s take it slowly.

1. Live your own life.

For him to want you, you have to be your self. Love your own life, do not always depend on him. Be positive and understand who you are and what you can do.
Do not allow your desire for him, deprive you your freedom as a woman.

2. Be fun to be with.

Be a type of girl that plays and make things lively, do not be that type who always acts as if you are too big to be reached, a girl that doesn’t smile, and not even flirting like a woman. Not that you will overdo it, or you will flirt too much on him. At least you should flirt little with him, crack jokes, make your conversation more lively and make him feel the need of you all the time. Don’t always keep quiet and wait for him to come around or for him to learn first. Since you are the one that needs his attention, so Yu have to be ready to take the lead at any opportunity you see. But let everything be at equilibrium, don’t misuse words on him, always maintain respect for him as a man.

3. Be confident

Don’t be scared of fighting for your Love for him. Be confident with yourself so that you will be taking one step at a time. It’s when you lose confidence is when you are bound to make mistakes. Do not think about his reactions or what people might say or if he had a girlfriend, at least let him be the one to tell you that he has a girlfriend, instead of assuming what you are not sure of. So be confident and move with courage, but do not be too forward, add some sense in your acts, to avoid all these mistakes. “How to make a guy wants you”

4. Dress Lovely

Your appearance matters a lot to him. Before you plan on winning him, you must first upgrade your code of dressing. Dress lovely and smart, not that you will go and put on something that is too exposed, something that will make you look irresponsible. Your dressing matters a lot. Look lovely and responsible. At least first attraction is the number goal you have to conquer before conquering his heart. No man will like to date a girl who dresses like an ancient woman. You may have a good character, but you have to draw his attention first before your style should show. So, for that reason, you are supposed to dress appropriately and neat so that his intentions towards you will be demanding, Inorder to correspond with your actions.

5. Wear suitable makeup

Wear suitable makeup that will give you a beautiful look, instead of wearing some makeup that makes you look like an older woman.
It’s proper for a young girl to wear makeup if you can, but it’s not appropriate to wear too much make-up for it can only drag his attention off you, thinking that you don’t know what suit you. Remember your focus is to get his attention so that his interest will be on you, so you have to focus on that and do the things that will make you win not the ones that will make you lose.

6. Give him some space

Do not follow him back to back. Give him some space. It’s not going to benefits you if you are not giving him some space to think, following him back to back will only make him tired of you, and he may feel that you are sucking him. So be careful.

7. Make eye contact continuously.

Give him continuous eye contact, to make him understand what your feelings are about him. Eye contact has natural magic inside the heart, and eye contact is capable of melting a healthy heart emotional in a twinkle of an eye. So make sure you regularly give him that and do not forget to mix it up with some little romantic smile, it will automatically draw his attention, and he will be expecting that from you each time he sees you—that way you have created a room for yourself in his heart. “How to make a guy wants you”

8. Don’t overthink about the future.

Do not overthink what the future will bring to you. Just focus on the present and make it memorable to both of you. Thinking about the future can scare you, and it may distract you, and it can even confuse you, which you know that when you are confused, you cannot be able to get things right, you may end up spoiling the things that you have built for so long.

9. Don’t talk about your ex.

Do not talk about your ex when you are with him. Some guys hate it when such issues are raised. So for the fact that you are still trying to win him over, you should first avoid such stories, instead, when two of you must have come together as friends, you can now tell him only when he asked you.

10. Show him that you care.

Show him that you care for him. Give him concerned and respect.
Let him know how different you are from other women. Give him a reason to love you through your character. Advice him when he needed it, and treat him like someone you ever cared for, give him a reason to live through your words of encouragement. With that, he will continue to want you more even when he has gotten you.
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