How to know if your partner love is genuine

Love is a feeling which can never be described in words. It has to be experienced and felt. Being in love means to make wonders happen, doing the impossible for the one you love. Finding that one person who loves you more than anything else in the whole world is a dream come true. But how do you know for sure he is that guy? True love doesn't leave its mark without trails. Here is the signs of true love from a man to know for sure that he is a real keeper. If you notice these signs in your guy, grab on to him.

1. Your Man Shows Affection In Public

If your man hugs you or kisses you in public, it means he is madly in love with you. He is never afraid or embarrassed to be seen with you. Being seen close in public is what most men would dread if they are ashamed of you. When a guy is confident and proud enough to show his affection even when in a crowded place, then definitely he is a catch. It is his way of saying his love for you.

2. Signs of True love from your Man is Selfless Love

When a woman finds her man to be selfless, it is one of the signs of true love from a man. Being selfless in love means to be concerned with the "we" factor than the "I" factor. Your man is more focused on "we," the things that you could do together, even if it were to do your everyday chores together. You will never find him giving any lame excuses and act selfishly. If you struggle he struggles with you, that is the commitment he has for you. He will be concerned about your happiness together. He will always look for the betterment of your life together.

3. Your Man Prioritizes You

True love is when your man prioritizes you. Whatever your guy does you will be his priority. Your man might be ready to ditch his friends, cancel their plans just because you need him. You will be his first thoughts in his mind. Any major decisions your man will decide in a way that it doesn't affect you. It is a sign of showing his true love for you by making you a priority in his life.

4. Your Man's Action Speak More Than His Words

Love is not just about words, but you need to be who you say you are. If your man is the guy whom he says he is, then he is a real catch. There are a lot of men out there who do a lot of talking when in love but none of them will matter. But if your loving man does more than he says then he is a real keeper. The major sign of a man being in true love with you is his actions. His deeds will speak love to you more than his words. If your man's actions scream love for you, grab on to him because he is a real keeper.

5. Signs of True Love is Surprising For You

When a man takes his time to impress his woman, then she sure does means a lot to him. Making surprises just to bring a smile on your face, will be all that he wants. Your man will shower you with gifts and treats. If anything he sees reminds him of you, then he is going to get you that. All these surprises mean that he really cares about you.

6. Introduces You to His Family and Friends

There is nothing about him; your man will want to hide from you if it is true love. So, if he has introduced you to his family and friends, it means he is really into you. Your man will want you to know his inner circle, and he is not embarrassed by you. If your man seems to be giving excuses for not getting you to meet his family and friends chances are he is playing it safe for you, and it is not true love. Getting to know his family and friends is one of the biggest signs of true love.

7. Your Man Never Forgets Your Important Dates

One of the signs of true love is a man never forgets his woman's important dates. He will always treasure your special dates like your graduation day, work anniversaries or even your friend's wedding date and much more. He will make sure that your special dates are not just important to you but to him as well. Your special dates will be his special dates. Your man will never forget to visit you, call or text you or if he has to remind you about those dates, you can depend on him.

8. Your Man Means It When He Says 'I Love You'

True Love doesn't mean to tell you hundred times a day that he loves you. But even it is telling you once a day your man will mean it. You man's eyes will sparkle in love and the racing heartbeat when he says 'I Love You' will only happen if he means it. You might get a totally unexpected 'I Love You' out of pure love from his heart, none of these would happen if it were for true love.

9. Your Man Will Be Consistent

The biggest sign of true love for your man is he will be consistent. Your man will never behave like a psychopath now and then. The way he behaves with you will be one and the same. Your man will never change. He will be the same man you fell in love with until the end. Being consistent in love is very important and it is one of the ways of showing true love for you.

10. Your Happiness is What Matters

When it is true love, your man will want to bring a smile in your face. Going out for a dinner date, there will never be a second thought; you will go to your favorite place for dinner. Even if you are going on a vacation, you will go to your favorite destination. These might look like small gestures, but he will willingly go that extra mile just to make you feel happy. This is one of the greatest signs of true love from your man and that you can know he is a real keeper.

11. Your Man Sees A Future With You

Every woman's dream is to have a future with the one they are in love with. If your man truly loves you, he will see a future with you. His future talks will always have you in it. He will never be able to imagine a future without you. It means he wants you to be with him for a long term. If your boyfriend shows this sign lately, then your man has true love for you.

12. Signs of True Love Your Man Will Never Hurt You

One of the notable signs of being in true love is your dream guy will never hurt you even if it was for fun. Your feelings will matter the most to him that he will make sure you don't get hurt in any way. If your guy never agonizes you, then chances are he has true love for you and he is a real keeper.

13. Never Judges You For Who You Are

The mark of being in true love means he will never judge you for the person you are. He might never be looking for reasons and get all judgemental instead he will learn to understand and appreciate for the person you are. It is one of the notable signs that your boyfriend has true love for you and he is a real keeper.

14. Helps You Achieve Your Dream

When it is true love, your dear one will be the backbone of your dreams. Your guy will be your strength making sure at all times that you achieve your goal. He might be there to motivate you, guide you, and inspire you. If he is a guy who helps you and supports you to achieve your dream career, then he is a real catch.

15. Your Man Will Have Your Trust

Gaining a woman's trust is the most challenging job. But if you are able to trust your guy blindly then chances are it is true love from your man. As trusting your man will never happen unless your guy has earned your trust. If you feel that you can trust your loved one blindly it is because he has reaped it for the man he is. If he has gained your trust then it is one of the signs of true love.

16. Accepts Your Flaws

If it is true love, your man will be able to accept you as the person you are. He will find a way to admire your imperfections. Your guy will never expect you to change. He will want you to remain the person he fell in love with in the first place. This is one of the major signs of true love from a man and that he is a real keeper.

17. Your Man Will Be A Reliable Person

If you find your guy to be the most reliable person you have ever met, then it is because of his true love for you. He has become your most dependable person. This is one of the signs of true love from your man. To be counted upon is not an easy task. But if your man is trustworthy and reliable then you have got yourself a real keeper.

18. Your Man Treats You Like A Queen

Only a man with true love can treat his love like a queen. If you are lucky enough to get that kind of treatment from you man, then chances are he has true love for you. He might treat you with respect and care. Your guy will treat you in a way that you would have never even imagined. If this is the love that you get from your boyfriend, then he is a real keeper.

19. Loves Spending Time With You

When it is true love, your man will love to spend time with you. The time spent with you will be considered as the fun times. Spending time with you even if it is going to a movie together he will love it. Your guy will always make sure to make plans to spend time with you even if it is doing the laundry together.

20. Values Your Personal Space

Finding someone who values and respects our personal space is very rare. But if you have found the one, who never indulges in your personal space then never leave him. If your boyfriend shows signs of respecting your personal space then never let him go, he is a keeper for sure and it is a sign of true love from your man.

Never Let Him Go

Having found your man who has true love for you, the best advice would be not to let him go, but grab on to him. Explore more in your relationship and have a life that is like a dream come true one.

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